Acteon Expasyl Exact Unidose

SKU: ACT261010
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Effective and atraumatic gingival retraction paste.

Expasyl benefits from an excellent risk-benefit balance: its viscosity has been specifically calculated to effectively open the sulcus without damaging the epithelial attachment. The quality of opening is the same as this obtained with a cord. Without lesion, resumption of bleeding or pain. Your movement is both safe and efficient. No need to wait for tissue healing since they are perfectly preserved.

With Expasyl the impression is high precision. The prosthesis is natural, aesthetic, perfectly adjusted. The gum is respected.

  • Acteon Expasyl Exact Paste is exactly the same as before, with the same formula and the same viscosity.
  • Acteon Expasyl Exact can be used with any universal composite applicator gun.
  • One capsule can treat up to 3 teeth (depending on the size of the tooth).
  • One caspule – one patient; Expasyl Exact is a safe solution to avoid cross contamination.
  • Packet of 20 unidose capsules


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