Dentech Rubber Dam Clamps, Glossy - Molar, Wingless

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  • Rubber Dam Clamps are made of specially selected and tempered stainless steel.
  • Ideal spring action and high resistance against the corrosion.
  • Various forms are available, so you can choose clamps in accordance with the teeth.
  • Sold individually


# W3 - For small lower molars with flat beaks. Similar to 3 but wingless

# W8A - Similar to 8A but wingless.

# 15 - For big lower molars with flat and longer beaks, a strong spring.

# 18 - For upper & lower molars with flat beak

# 24 - For upper left and lower right buccal molars’ subgingival cavities. The buccal side has wider fringe slightly festooned beaks. Paired with 25.

# 25 - For lower left and upper right buccal molars’ subgingival cavities. The buccal side has wider fringe slightly festooned beaks. Paired with 24.

# 26 - For upper molars in case of exposure of the tooth neck with slightly festooned beaks. Available for the second bicuspids.

# 28 - For upper and lower molars with flat beaks, wide view

# 30 - For lower left molar subgingival with slightly festooned beaks. The projection on the buccal beak slips into the furcation. Paired with 31.

# 31 - For lower right molar subgingival with slightly festooned beaks. The projection on the buccal beak slips into the furcation. Paired with 30.

# 42- For upper left molars with flat beaks, paired with 43

# 43 - For upper right molars with flat beaks, paired with 42

# 51 - For buccolabial molar furcations with slightly festooned beaks. Enables to press down the gingiva.

# U67 - Best for upper second molars with festooned beaks , compact size.

# 138 - For upper right and lower left third molars with serrated offset beaks, paired with 139

# 139 - For upper left and lower right third molars with serrated offset beaks, paired with 138


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