Ormco Ni-Ti Closed-Coil (Extension) Springs

SKU: 222-5610
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  • Box of 10 springs with eyelets

Ormco’s trademark nickel-titanium wire, Ni-Ti has the resiliency and high springback necessary during treatment. Ni-Ti is indicated for initial leveling, aligning and rotational control.

Cuspid Retraction Eyelets are hooked on a free-sliding crimp hook placed mesial to the cuspid or on a Hemi-Hook of the cuspid bracket. If desired, a crimpable stop can be placed on the archwire to control the amount of retraction.
Distalizing Molars/Anterior Unraveling Crimpable sliding hook used as tieback is placed distal to the lateral incisor. Eyelets are hooked onto the crimp hook and first molar buccal tube hook to activate retraction.

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