Needles & Syringes

AHP Dental and Medical carries a wide range of dental needles and syringes that meet the specific requirements of dental practices and their patients.
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Needles and Syringes

AHP Dental and Medical carries a wide range of dental needles and syringes that meet the specific requirements of dental practices and their patients.

Dental needles, typically made of stainless steel, are available in different lengths and gauges. The length of the needle determines how deep it can penetrate the tissue, while the gauge refers to the diameter of the needle and determines how quickly the anaesthetic solution is delivered.

Dental needles and syringes are designed to be sterile and disposable to prevent the spread of infection between patients. They are also designed to be easy to use and comfortable for patients.

Dental syringes, such as plastic or metal aspirating and non-aspirating syringes, are available online on our website in various sizes and types. Aspirating syringes have a mechanism that allows the dentist to check whether the needle tip is inside a blood vessel before injecting the anaesthetic solution, while non-aspirating syringes do not have this mechanism.

Explore our website further to view our extensive range of medical needles and syringes, or call us if you have any queries or require additional information.